Hautron is making and selling programs and solution for the pre-print market based on the PDF technology.We also do general computer consulting and programming task on request, in particular in the Internet field.
Current webcam view from my home/office at
Ladispoli (RM)), in via Gentile.
41° 57' 25" N - 12° 04' 15" E
The information is updated every minute and the web
page is automatically refreshed every five minutes.

Panoramic view from the Hautron Weather Station
Panoramic view from the Hautron Weather Station
Two WebCam movies are made at the end of each day,
one with one picture frame each minute,
the other with one picture taken every two minutes.
Click below to show the last movie:
Click to show animation 2 minute interval animation for 2025-03-13
File size 0.2 mb , length 10-15 seconds
Click to show animation 1 minute interval animation for 2025-03-13
File size 0.4 mb , length 25-30 seconds

Uncropped Original WebCam Image
Back to Weather Station Page
Other Local Weather Info
See movies for previous days from the Weather Summary page.
Trond HaugeMy homePage. Hautron homePage.Last edited 19-January-2008 Trond HAUGE