Weather data Ladispoli (Rome) | |||
LAST READING AT TIME: 17:00 DATE: 21 December 2024 ,Time of next update: 17:15:00 | |||
Current Weather | Dry | Current Temperature | 9.7 °C (49.5°F), Apparent temp 9.0 °C |
Maximum Temperature (since 0 hour ) | 15.8 °C at: 00:01 | Minimum Temperature (since 0 hour ) | 6.7 °C at: 06:58 |
Average windspeed (ten minute) | 1.7 m/s | Wind Direction (ten minute) | NNW (332º) |
Windchill Temperature | 9.7 °C | Maximum Gust (last hour) | 4.5 m/s at: 16:04 |
Maximum Gust (since 0 hour ) | 15.2 m/s at: 00:03 | Maximum 1 minute average (since 0 hour ) | 9.7 m/s at: 00:47 |
Rainfall (last hour) | 0.0 mm | Rainfall (since 0 hour ) | 0.0 mm (0.000 in.) |
Rainfall This month | 88.4 mm (3.480 in.) | Rainfall To date this year | 513.8 mm (20.228 in.) |
Maximum rain per minute (last hour) | 0.0 mm/min | Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours) | 0.0 mm/hour |
Yesterdays rainfall | 5.0 mm | DewPoint | 9.7 °C (Wet Bulb :9.7 °C ) |
Humidity | 100 %, Humidex 10.9 °C | Barometer corrected to msl | 1030.3 mb |
Pressure change | +0.3 mb (last hour) | Trend | RISING |
Pressure change (last 12 hours) | +3.8 mb | Pressure change (last 6 hours) | +0.2 mb |
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In Accordance with NWS Service Change Notice 16-16 this service has been discontinued. Please see and (raw data)Service Removed This Service is no longer available
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